Oh hello there! My name is Hana and I'm friends with Serina because of a brief dating gig she did with my best friend Dustin! I am a 25 year old food junkie that is trying to get back into the groove of nutrition and fitness. I moved to Korea back in May and whittled my waist size down to a size 2, only to jump back to a size 6 when I got into a relationship. So it goes... I joined this crazy gym last week and I have been trying to motivate myself into going everyday.
So what's keeping me from going everyday?
1. 9-5 job.
2. Boyfriend.
I know, it's no excuse. I gotta find the time! I do have time, I just find myself feeling so lethargic after sitting in a cubicle for 8 hours a day. Please let me know if you have any tips for motivation! I have done everything. I mean, I've even made a picture of Arizona Muse as the wallpaper on my phone for motivation.
When I began working out again, I started cooking at home more. This meant that I would be able to control my caloric intake and overall nutrition. The downside to cooking in Korea is that there are so many ingredients that I can't find here! Hummus, for example, is something that I used to buy from Trader Joe's like it was my job and the other day I had to make it from scratch!
But get this, hummus is super easy to make. I mean, super easy. And it's super delicious. And super nutritious. And yea, it's nice to just pick up a tub at the supermarket, but you can control the amount of oil and other fat-inducing ingredients if you make it at home! SOOOO. Without further adieu:
Homemade Hummus
3 garlic cloves, mashed and minced
2 15-oz cans of garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
2/3 cup of tahini, roasted and not raw
1/3 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice (you can put more in if you like it tangy)
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
Stick everything but the salt into a food processor and just push that button til it's smooth. Stir the salt in at the end and adjust the seasoning as you wish!
Additions: roasted garlic cloves, cayenne, basil (basically whatever you want, stick it in the food processor!)
Garnish with toasted pine nuts or chopped up chives. Dip a raw red bell pepper spear, baby carrots, celery, or whole wheat pita bread and enjoy!