Saturday, November 19, 2011

First jog in a long time today

I decided I would brave a run today, after having not seriously jogged since college (~4 years ago). Since I started practicing yoga more seriously, it's pretty much been my main mode of workouts and although it's gotten my body relatively flexible and toned, I realized TODAY that my cardiovascular endurance has gone down... a lot.

So, I went for a run in Ocean Beach starting at Andrew's house on Orchard Ave. It's a really beautiful area of San Diego, right along the coast of Sunset Cliffs. Here's the play by play:

  • 5 minutes in: Not bad. Got my breath pace down. I think - I can do this for a while. Hellllll yeah no problem.
  • 10 minutes in: There's a bit of an incline on the road I'm running on as it starts to head toward the coast. I start to get a little tired. I play a mind game with myself and say, "If I get to the coast without stopping, then I can take a 30 second stretch break".
  • 15 minutes in: Haven't stopped! I get to the coast. Incidentally, there's a breast cancer awareness walk going on and flocks of people are walking by with their bright pink boas and t-shirts. Cars are honking and yelling, "WE'RE SO PROUD OF YOU!! WOOO!!!!" And then, here I am, sheepishly jogging with them, looking like a boob-hater in my black shirt and black shorts.
  • 20 minutes - I'm past the coast now. I REALLY want to stop because my lungs feel like they're about to explode. I run into my two friends Maripat and Justin who drive by and call my name. I'm totally disoriented and deliriously and breathlessly say some crap about breast cancer people. Haha, sorry guys.
  • 25 minutes - Heading uphill again. FML so hard right now. I stop and walk for 1 exhausted minute.
  • 30 minutes - I'm heading back to my starting point...Orchard Avenue. I can't run anymore. So I do low lunges all the way back. 
Here's the route I took:

2.5 miles - measured using
 Not too bad for a first run, but then I think of all my marathon runner friends and I want to cry.

I head back and plop down on a chair, glass of water in one hand, Macbook in the other... and write this entry.

Looking wasted.

Happy saturday.


  1. Now we're talking... I urge you guys to register for some race like a 5K or 10K so that you have a goal. Awesome that you're doing this... Also, consider joining SDTC's Rockin' 'N' Runnin' marathon and half marathon training program. It's a fantastic program that will prepare you for San Diego Rock & Roll in June. Look at for details...

    cheers, alann

  2. oh man, this post seriously makes me miss sunny san diego. it's freezing out here right now!!
